Rehabilitating Dogs
Caring for the Emotional Needs and Behavioral Challenges of our Rescued Dogs
As a public animal rescue, CHR has a responsibility to keep the public, our rescue dogs and our foster parents safe. It’s the number one reason we started our “Paws of Zen” rehabilitation program. This rehabilitation program allows us to use positive reinforcement strategies to change snapping behavior to better behavior.
Understanding management of the special rescue dog is equally important to our training program for new adopters. Avoiding scenarios that could cause the rescue dog to snap is critical to their rehabilitation. As experienced dog handlers, we know that dogs can go through a “honeymoon period” the first month of their stay in a new home. You hear about it all the time, “My dog never showed this behavior the first few weeks he was with me,” and then WHAMO, the bad behavior hits you.
By allowing dogs to decompress in our foster program, we are able to closely monitor any concerning behaviors that may come up and we deal with those behaviors head-on with a management and behavioral plan suited to the rescue dog’s needs. But CHR not only thinks of “the now.” We also think about the future needs of the rescue dog and their owner’s capacity to handle the rescue dog’s behavioral needs. This is why our dog adopters are provided with an outlined behavioral plan for any special rescue case we have. Providing the new adopter with a detailed behavioral plan outlining the training plan needed to desensitize and counter-condition those bad behaviors ensures that our rescue dogs go to homes where the new owner has a full understanding of their new dog and a plan in place in case problems arise.
We need your help supporting our special behavioral cases. One way you can do this is by donating to help provide some of the dogs with special natural behavioral supplements such as Zylkene, L-theanine and SAM-e. ADDED- These over-the-counter supplements help to reduce canine anxiety, and are used regularly for many of our special rescue dogs.
Donating for any of these supplements will GREATLY help. Donate and we will mention you in a special post on our FB page with your permission. Our mailing address is below if you would like to order and send us the supplements directly or if you prefer making a donation specifically for the supplements, specify that in the comments section of the donation page when donating securely online here-